Our summer is packed and we would love for you to join us! Check out our new calendar for all of DUG’s public events and workshops. Most are free or nearly free, so you can grow your knowledge without breaking the bank.
This month, learn about water harvesting, relocating bees, or herbal remedies for stress at a workshop at DeLaney Community Farm, and see our new documentary and enjoy stellar food at GreenShoots. In July, celebrate diversity at our Multiculturalism in the Garden Tour, or check out DeLaney workshops like Sketching in the Garden and Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs. Join us in August for our annual Garden Bike Tour & Potluck, enjoy art in the garden at ArtFarm, or learn about making sauerkraut at a DeLaney training with Milan Doshi. This September, master cooking with herbs, kimchi making, and honey harvesting through workshops at DeLaney, and bring the whole family out for DUG’s blowout 25th birthday picnic and the groundbreaking of our 100th community garden at Ruby Hill Park.
All summer long, DUG’s Master Composters will be teaching free composting classes at our Gove Community Garden (click here to sign up), student gardeners from Denver elementary schools will be growing and selling their beautiful and healthy organic produce at the Youth Farmers Markets, and DUG community gardeners will be hard at work in their gardens, helping to make our neighborhoods wonderful places to live and grow.
For more information about DUG programs, workshops, and events, email us at dirt@dug.flywheelstaging.com.