Employment with Denver Urban Gardens
Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) is a 501(c)(3) organization that provides access, skills, and resources for people to grow healthy food in community and regenerate urban green spaces. We’re working towards a sustainable urban future where people are deeply and directly connected to the earth, each other, and the food they eat.
We offer competitive benefits for employees including paid holidays, vacation, unlimited time off, as well as employer-sponsored insurance and retirement plans. DUG also offers professional learning opportunities in Horticulture, Urban Agriculture, Food Access, Health & Wellness, Climate Action, Community Garden Building & Education, Community Garden Establishment and Support, and School Gardens.
DUG centers equity as one of its organizational values, and we value diversity in backgrounds and in experiences. We believe food is a universal right, and we need people from all backgrounds and swaths of life to help build the future of our food system.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, and our staff are people with different strengths, experiences, and backgrounds who share a passion for improving people’s lives. Diversity not only includes race and gender identity, but also age, disability status, veteran status, sexual orientation, religion, and many other parts of one’s identity. All of our employee’s points of view are key to our success, and inclusion is everyone’s responsibility.
If you would like to learn about any upcoming opportunities for internships or employment with DUG, please sign up for our newsletter.