Denver Urban Gardens and its staff and board honor the land on the unceded territories of the Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), Hinono’eino’ biito’owu’ (Arapaho), Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ, as well as 48+ other tribes with ties to this region. May our stewardship of this land support the collective work to dismantle ongoing legacies of oppression and inequities as well as recognize the current and future contributions of indigenous communities.
The DUG Network is comprised of 200 community and school-based gardens across six counties in Metro Denver.
With the exception of a some gardens that serve specific communities, most DUG community gardens are open to the public and managed by more than 300 volunteer Garden Leaders. The diversity of our gardens is reflected in their sizes, organizational structures, community cultures, and internal community agreements.

DUG Garden Directory
Explore the DUG Network of community gardens using the map below. Click on the icon to learn more about the garden. You can find gardens close to you by typing an address or zip code in the ‘Search’ icon at the top right. The menu in the bottom offers more options for exploration.