Post writer Tina Griego spent two months in Denver’s Sun Valley neighborhood, and is chronicling her time there in a three part series. Part one is up now.
“It is a community,” he says. “It ain’t like a neighborhood you drive through and see all the pretty houses and trees. It’s like you drive through and you see the people here and you speed up.” He laughs. “What’s crazy is we have so many people coming through and no one knows Sun Valley.”
Click here to read Part One: Blocked in, blocked out at The Denver Post.
There are two Denver Urban Gardens community gardens in Sun Valley. At Fairview Elementary, students, teachers, parents, neighbors, DUG staff, and Connecting Generations mentors work together in the Fairview Community Garden, and the Fairview Youth Farmers Market to create a beautiful neighborhood gathering space that is also a source of fresh, healthy produce. You can learn more about DUG’s School Garden and Nutrition Education programs here.
Jacob, a student, tends the Fairview Elementary Youth Farmers Market.