An Online Companion to The Underground News, DUG’s Quarterly Newsletter
Entries in bees (7)
Squash, honeybees and sunshine!

Posted by Emery Donovan, Program and Events Intern
Check out the video footage below of Denver Urban Gardens volunteer and beekeeper, Belinda Anderson, teaching kids about bee pollination at Garden Club at Johnson Elementary this morning!
After harvesting kale, chard, lettuce and squash from their garden plot, Garden Club members headed indoors to paint a sign for the garden, filling it with paintings of flowers, butterflies and a multi-colored sun. At the end of the morning, everyone enjoyed a tasty salad of greens from the garden. Click here to learn more about DUG’s education programs.

Join the hunt for bees!

For information about beekeeping in DUG community gardens, check out our bee policy. For hands-on training in beekeeping, check out the bee workshops at DUG’s DeLaney Community Farm.