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Is the Urban Farming Movement Here to Stay?

DateThursday, May 27, 2010 at 2:50PM

EcoSalon just had a great piece on urban farming, outlining a few urban agriculture projects on the west coast, and ways to get involved.

Urban farming can certainly increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables to city dwellers but we need to look at how the food is distributed and find creative ways to get the food to the people who most need it. The most sustainable way of all to provide food is to teach people how to grow their own.

Check out the full article here.

Through community gardens in neighborhoods and at Denver schools, and through our urban community farm, our Free Seeds and Transplants Program, and our education and outreach programs, DUG is working to meet the needs of metro area residents and act as a resource for individuals and organizations in Denver and beyond. Volunteer and donor support are critical to our mission- contact us at to learn how to get involved!