Micro Network
Green: Southwest Sugar Snap Peas
13600 W. Jewell Ave., Lakewood CO 80228
Garden Leader Email
Community Garden, open to the public
Number of Plots
The Ute Trail Community Garden (UTCG), a partnership between DUG and the City of Lakewood, opened on April 30th, 2011. The city, DUG, and volunteers from the area worked in earnest to get the garden ready by the opening date. The garden offers 52 plots to local gardeners who wish to sink their hands in the soil, including three plots for Hutchinson Elementary School. The plot sizes vary, but average about 220 square feet. Four plots are reserved for growing community produce, such as plants like squash which take a lot of room to grow.
Garden rules require that each participant work at least three of the scheduled work days each year and volunteer as the “master gardener,” supervising and maintaining the common areas, for one week during the 24 week growing season.
Intended truly as a community garden, the community is invited to share in the work and the play of the garden. Although the primary purpose of a community garden is to grow produce, urban residents enjoy many side benefits of working the land together. Annual events and open houses will encourage neighbors to get involved. In addition, UTCG is participating in the Plant a Row for the Hungry program which means we will be contributing produce to a local food bank, The Action Center, throughout the 2012 growing season.
And when you have a chance, stop by and take a stroll through the garden — then email us if you have any questions or feedback (The email link as well as additional contact information is on the garden’s website).
- Colmena
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